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PSP Mario - Map editor v0.02

Download Name: PSP Mario - Map editor v0.02  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

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File Size: 714.19 KB

File Type: (Rar file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 1

Views: 123

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

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Developer's note:

After a long, long wait i've finally released the map editor to version 0.02 of psp mario. I've been very busy with exams, coursework etc.So this is more useful for the creative people, again, please read the 'README' file. It contains everything you'll need to know, controls, how to submit levels etc.For a run-down of the changes:-Code improvements with rendering-Collision layer updated with the latest resources from the engine, coins, koopas/red/green added.-Also the possibility to chose mario/luigi's starting position included.Now just a heads up for v0.03 of the game(PSP Mario - The New Worlds), it is still being worked on, i've done a bit of a re-code with certain parts like the animation, controls etc. Like i said the controls in the previous versions weren't that good, mario just stood still when he stopped walking and the jumping wasn't great in-game either. So i've been revamping the controls, there's a few bugs with the enemy collision code as-well, but yes i did take a little break from the whole coding world for a month or so hence why this has been released til now.If i had to give a date, it would be sometime during March maybe early April.Hope you guys like it
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