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PSP CheatUp v0.41

Download Name: PSP CheatUp v0.41  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

Date Added:

File Size: 373.47 KB

File Type: (Zip file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 3

Views: 237

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

PSP CheatUp was designed to simplify the task of updating the cheat codes of any PSP cheat engine through the use of the PSP's Wifi and a wireless internet connection. The cheat files are hosted by GBAtemp.Feature Summary * Display the Changelog and Gamelist. * Filter available games by region. * Search available games and codes. * Update application from the PSP. * Update cheats for most PSP cheat engines.Change Log (0.41) * Added:� cheat.db file extraction can be overridden for CMF by holding L trigger when before installing cheats. * Other:�� Removed 6.xx compatibility due to causing compatibility issues.Change Log (0.40) * Added:�� Region filtering (EU, US and JP) for GameList. * Added: � GameList search function (if search term is a Game ID available cheats are listed). * Fixed:� �� Problem extracting files from ZIP archive which aren't compressed. * Other:�� CMF and NitePR cheat files are only extracted if the file size is different to the file in the archive. * Other:�� Will now load on 6.xx custom firmwares.
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