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PMP VLC Player v1.0

Download Name: PMP VLC Player v1.0  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

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File Size: 11.84 MB

File Type: (Rar file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 1

Views: 144

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Item description:

From Team P86's readme:PMP VLC Player v1.0 By Team P86:PMP VLC Player is a homebrew which plays streaming media with VLC Player. This may be TV ora Film etc.We will integrate it to TVSP but first of all we released alpha release...Welcome back. :) After jockyw's last OE release. We fixed some bugs and added these:-Speed Improvements-New NetDialog Interface...-Fixed the bug which causes freezing in Loading screen...-Recompile for new M33 SDK...**Installation**-Remove existing VLC Player version from your PC...-Reinstall from "vlc-0.8.6a-psp-x264-wait-win32.exe"...-Copy "PMPVLC100_M33_P86" folder to PSP/GAME folder...-Open pmp.ini file from PMPVLC100_M33_P86 folder and change all IP addresses to your PC's local address...-Run VLC Player on PC and if you play network stream(for example: internet tv),File>Open Network Stream and type your stream address in Customize box and click Stream/Save and Caching option.-Click Settings and type this code (code found in actual readme) in the Target box and click OK...(Don't forget to change IP address in this code.) -Type 300 in the Caching box.-Finally click ok...-Come back to the PSP :)-Execute PMP VLC Player on PSP...-And toggle R trigger to connect AP.-Select your AP and wait for connecting.-After this, click SELECT and choose Live Stream...-Wait....**Thanks**jockyw for PMP VLC Player's OE release...jonny for PMP Mod...Insert_witty_name for NetDialog sample...And thanks everybody who helps me...
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