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ThemePSP v1.0

Download Name: ThemePSP v1.0  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

Date Added:

File Size: 3.54 MB

File Type: (Rar file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 1

Views: 86

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

Legendary PSP developer SodR, who brought us homebrew applications like Pimp my PSP and PSP Automatic Homebrew Installer has created a theme installer for the PSP, enabling ordinary Joe Bloggs with no PSP coding expericence to customize his PSP! All you have to do is create a theme using SodR's easy to follow instructions in the ThemePSP creator pack, Install all the correct files in the correct place, then choose a theme to install using the actualy PSP program, ThemePSP. > >Functions of ThemePSP: > > * Can flash: Bootsound, Custom menu names, backgrounds, WavyLines effect and custom font to the flash. > * User-friendly interface > * Nice progress bar while flashing (easy to understand how much has been flashed and how much there is left) > * Music while flashing! (just like pimp my psp and gta style psp) > * Easy to create your own themes > * The Theme doesn't need to flash everything. Eg. you can create a theme that only flashes a custom BG and font without problems. > * Comes bundled with the 'Pimp my PSP' theme, the 'GTA style PSP' theme (by kozine) and the 'original Sony XMB' Theme > >As with all programs that write to flash memory, be careful with this program! Although it has been tested and no bricks have occoured you can never be sure. SodR cannot be held responsilbe for any damage to your PSP, use at your own risk and take heed the "Don't turn off your PSP" warning whilst the program is writing to flash memory!
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Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

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