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Portable VNC v1.2 for 2.0+

Download Name: Portable VNC v1.2 for 2.0+  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

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File Size: 278 Bytes

File Type: (Zip file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 1

Views: 74

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

Zx-81, creator of PSPCAP32, and a whole host of other applications for the PSP, has released PortableVNC v1.2 for the PSP, which works on 2.5 firmware! PortableVNC is a VNC client for the PSP that allows you to control your PC using your PSP if you run a VNC server. > >Here's the changelog: > > * Compile/Port on latest version of PSPSDK > * Support >= 2.5 FW > * Add Support for DHCP (works now with my wifi router) > * Bug fix (exit hangs) on FW >= 2.5 > >This version works best on 2.0+ firmware, as 1.5 users are having some problems using it. 1.5 users are reccommended to wait for another release that may work better on 1.5. Portable VNC has been distributed under GNU licence, and sources are provided with the archive.
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