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PSP Animation Studio v3

Download Name: PSP Animation Studio v3  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

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File Size: 7.58 KB

File Type: (Zip file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 1

Views: 162

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

masonman has released the latest update to his homebrew Lua app PSP Animation Studio. PSP Animation Studio allows other developers to make, view, and edit animations on the PSP. > >PSP Animation Studio v3, according to masonman comes with loads new features and here are just some of them: > > * New menu system with more options such as saving destination and saving format (jpg and png supported) > * New guidance system > * Early protocol and fiction loader > * New saving script with functioning keyboard > >You may think these aren't much but there are actually so many new features, masonman didn't bother to list them down. He did >put one thing on his to do list which is to integrate the new anilib 4 for spritesheet functionality. Watch for that in the next version. And one final note from the guy. He says all devs can use his code for free. All he asks is to be given proper credit. Which isn't asking for much. > >To install PSP Animation Studio v3, extract the file to your luaplayer/applications folder and run "index.Lua" > >
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