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LuaPlayer Euphoria v1 Simple Demo

Download Name: LuaPlayer Euphoria v1 Simple Demo  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

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File Size: 1.99 MB

File Type: (Zip file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 1

Views: 69

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

* It can display images up to 100%+ faster than * the default LuaPlayer, by automatically swizzling the images as there loaded. * It also features Mp3 support. This is done on the main processor for now. Don't worry however, this is a optimized mp3Player. * Whilst displaying a 480x272 image and playing a Mp3 file, LuaPlayer Euphoria can achieve * up to 228 FPS (Frames Per Second) running at only 222mhz!. (SEE SAMPLE DEMO FOR PROOF!) * It also features CPU Speed control. Which can be done by the user. So you can set the PSP's CPU to either : 100, 222, 266 or 333mhz. * Another feature, albeit trivial, is a built in FPS Function. By simply calling "showFPS()" you can see your game/applications * current FPS out of 60 frames. If you want to see its "True" FPS, comment out screen.waitVblankStart and pad = Controls.Read() - as these * cap the framerate to 60. * The last feature (so far) is the ability to properly free images. I don't know if this worked before but anyway... * Simply call "freeImage(myImage)" (with myImage being the image you want to free) and it will remove the image from memory. * It goes without saying that you should not be displaying the image your trying to free at the time of freeing it. * + A lot more to come! * It is slim and phat compatible. Should work on 1.0>5.xx firmwares. Should also work * on chickHen.
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Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

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