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Devhook Firmware Installer 0.6i

Download Name: Devhook Firmware Installer 0.6i  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

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File Size: 171 Bytes

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Comments: 0

Downloads: 1

Views: 158

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

PSP homebrew coder Sleep (aka Sleepy566) dropped us a line to let us know that Devhook Firmware Installer has been updated to version 0.6i. As Sleepy explained "This program was originally created by Tommydanger, as a n00b friendly way to install new scary firmwares into Devhook easily." > >Sleepy is responsible for later modifications to this PSP-bases app, which have been improving its compatibility. As for this homebrew's latest changelog: > >Added full support for firmware 3.40 (please note that devhook doesn't support 3.30+) >Bug fixes (not all fixed, check out readme for more info) >Added newest Devhook and folders for all the firmwares you could decrypt (though unsupported) >Added firmware 1.50 as an example of where to keep FWs (much confusion on that point) > >Version 0.6i is expected to work on 1.00, 1.50, 2.71 SE (all), and all OE firmware, although the author is requesting that users avoid emailing him on why this app won't run on 3.03 or 3.11 fws anymore. He further notes experiencing errors when trying to decrypt fw 3.30 - fixes for this problem are underway. > >Full installation and usage instructions are available in the file bundle - we invite users to view the file README before using this application. Once again, we thank Sleepy for giving us the heads-up regarding this latest release.
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