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MacroFire 2.4.1

Download Name: MacroFire 2.4.1  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

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Introduction------------------------------------------------- This program, PSP is a plug-in that runs on a custom firmware. Sony Akira Makoto on normal firmware does not work. It is routine, self-responsibility in any event. Not to give anything to play and a prolonged failure to suddenly freeze.Overview------------------------------------------------- Reassign the button, any button and set the batter, Macro functions are performed automatically to certain operations. Rensha settings, so that you can press to leave the state, RPG and can be kind of a battle without the use of automatic rubber band and scheelite. Macro function is to record the specific behavior, you can repeat it. The analog stick adjustment or re-assigned function, You may be able to cover some of the analog sticks and broken loose button.Requirements Confirmed------------------------------------------------- Custom Firmware 5.00 M33-4 I do not work with 3.71M33. Firmware does not work with less. PSP-2000 and PSP-3000 because the activity does not have to know, RAM does not use the extension.Installation------------------------------------------------- The following files are included with the ms0: / seplugins copies. macrofire.prx macrofire.ini Then, ms0: / seplugins in vsh.txt game.txt pops.txt Add the following in their path. ms0: / seplugins / macrofire.prx If these files do not exist, please create. After going to write RIKABARIMODO, Plugins item Where the plug-in needed to Enabled. However, VSH on "Internet browser" in the works is limited, and macro functions Rensha function does not work. This is to address the concerns that they were offensive to other sites that mock these capabilities, We want to ease the restrictions and measures. The sample configuration file folder remap the re-set button assignments, Remap settings menu is actually read from the configuration file. MacroFire to run, this folder is not required. analog_to_dpad.ini key is assigned to cross the analog stick, dpad_to_analog.ini assigns to cross key analog stick.Usage------------------------------------------------- When you start the game, using the two volume buttons (+ and - keys) and then by pressing the Start menu. This button can be changed in the configuration file. See below "configuration file" please refer to the item. The basic key is the following menu. ↑ ↓: Move items ← →: Change Option ○ button: the decision of the items ? button: Back START button: exit immediately Menu This is a typical operation, the functions of other items, May have another operation. In this case, may have been written about how to manipulate the screen under each key.Functions------------------------------------------------- MacroFire Engine Or switch to activate this plugin. Roll button and macro functions and features will affect all functions. OFF immediately after the game starts it is, if you use the cross using the key switch to ON. You can set the initial state in the configuration file. Buttons to launch the menu MacroFire game set in the button to display the menu. The menu button you want to see here is set to ON, by pressing a button combination in the game, MacroFire can display the menu. You can set the initial state in the configuration file. Buttons to toggle the engine state MacroFire Engine without a menu ON / OFF button to switch between sets. The button where you want to use the switch is set to ON, by pressing a button combination in the game, If the MacroFire Engine OFF to ON, OFF ON switch to it. You can set the initial state in the configuration file. Tuning the analog stick sensitivity Position and sensitivity of the analog stick to set the dead zone. Details are included manual_analogsens.txt please Remap settings Set the re-allocation. Details are included manual_remap.txt please. Rapidfire settings Sets of automatic fire. Details are included manual_rapidfire.txt please. Macro settings And will run the macro function. Details are included manual_macro.txt please.Configuration file------------------------------------------------- Macrofire.ini and preferences, Rensha configuration file, the macro file format is the same with the exception of some. For more information, please see the included manual_ini.txt.Work order------------------------------------------------- Adjust the analog stick, re-assign button, burst, macro, These functions are handled by the order from the menu in a row. In other words, after the re-allocation adjustment buttons and analog sticks, Rensha processing, the results of macro-blazing after the treatment is used. For example, in re-assign button, ○ ? button □ button and then press the button simultaneously, Settings button and automatic fire from ? □ RAPID to the mode button, ○ at the push of a button, ? □ is blazing a button and two buttons.Known issues------------------------------------------------- - Back to the game screen to exit the menu screen is distorted for a moment. - "Portable SSHO regionally everyday" burst mode, why does "RAPID" does not work. "AUTO-RAPID" is to work. To look at the press of a button on the left by way of something like that is a priority there. Further cause is unknown.Specifications------------------------------------------------- - Displaying the contents of the menu screen LCD (liquid crystal display) and the extent to leave off automatically, Reflected a split second after the game at the end of the menu, it may be left to degenerate quickly. In this case, if the game BGM, but a black screen as well BGM keeps ringing, If there is no BGM, so careful to stay on the line power seems to freeze on the surface. If you are in this state, PSP can resolve the brightness by pressing the Change button. - The menu in the middle of a file access, Will leave access lamp blinks and Memory Stick. However, it seems that the visit has been really, is not particularly harmful. However, when the state is to fetch a list of files, Save the settings and macro Rensha / time out to run a load. If the timeout is returned to the game once, and may try again later. - Too bad English. Not limited control.Future Plans------------------------------------------------- - To switch settings for each game to load at startup. - Remap settings to be more easy to use interface. - Save the file / RODODAIAROGU, To make the operation a little more about the files. - Organize the code.Finally------------------------------------------------- Although often seen with a light, plug-in is not a formal mechanism, PSP games to work on is not considering the presence of plug-in. Therefore, do not forget the game that always precariously freeze. The game can be saved to save the行IMASHOU frequently.Acknowledgments------------------------------------------------- This software, PSPLink has benefited greatly from the source code. If you do not have this software and this is difficult. And if there is no PSPSDK custom firmware, and there was such a development in itself. Thank you take this opportunity. Thanks all the developers of the PSPSDK, the PSPLink and the CFW.-------------------------------------------------pen@ClassG
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