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Gameboot Editor v.1

Download Name: Gameboot Editor v.1  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

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File Size: 127 Bytes

File Type: (Rar file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 2

Views: 125

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from thecraziness1:I know a lot of people use CTF's now but I've noticed a lot of people that dont package a gameboot and then your stuck with whatever gameboot is in your flash-0 which for most people unfortunatly is the boring sony I decided to make a program that lets you flash a gameboot to your FLASH 0 safely and without risk of brick or harm.You just run gameboot editor under your games. Get to see a preview and when you find the gameboot you like just choose it and your done!I hope you enjoy this program. I will be updating to support other firmwares and inthe future I will also be adding an option to change your opening_plugin.rco do you can change the gameboot length and the opening splash on your psp.This program is for 5.00 M33 only and will not run under other frimwares.Please see the README for full installation and gameboot adding details. Enjoy!!!CREDITS:Mr. Shizzy - I got this idea from his old wardrobe program and used his coding as a referenceto make it the safest and cleanest it could be run.PSPFILER (creator)- I spent 16 hours programming this on my psp with pspfiler.any body else who contributes to the scene and that has posted gameboots.
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