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PSPedict v0.2

Download Name: PSPedict v0.2  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

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File Size: 2.09 MB

File Type: (Rar file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 1

Views: 115

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

Changelog for V0.2:- Included support for other EDICT files, Computer Terms, Legal Termsand Life Sciences. Unfortunately, Proper Names is just too large toinclude. The extra EDICT files can be loaded via the Menu (the iconis next to the exit icon and looks like a book with an up arrow).Please be aware that study lists and found sets now are exclusive totheir own EDICT files. This means that when you have the Computer Termsedict open, you can only view found sets and study lists relevant to thatEDICT file. This is because found sets and study lists use an index ratherthan saving the actual contents of an entry. This is also to conserve memory.- Added Ini file support to store search/sort options. If there areany problems with the file, just delete "PSPedict.ini" in the datafolder and the file will be recreated when you next launch the app.- Match Whole Word has been enabled for Kana/Kanji. What this basicallydoes is expect to match the whole string only. For example, if you searchfor hiragana 'hi' with match hole word enabled, if a string has 'hima' thematch will fail. Strings consisting of 'hi' only will be matched.- Fixed the screen flow slightly so it is more natural. For example, if youexit out of the On Screen Keyboard (OSK), you will now return to the screenwhere you opened the OSK.- Deletion of previously saved found set files is now implimented. This can bedone from the "Load a Found Set" menu item.
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