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PSPTimer v3.0

Download Name: PSPTimer v3.0  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

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File Size: 645.87 KB

File Type: (Zip file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 1

Views: 162

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

Ok, this is one of the strangest homebrew applications i have ever used. Raio has released his PSPTimer v3 homebrew application...and as you can see by the screenshots, it's a girl holding a cup which says 'noodle timer' on it. From what i can gather, the application is supposed to be an egg timer, but then why does it have 'Noodle timer' on the box? Is it a noodle or an egg timer? Anyway, it shows the time (GMT +8 hours) and date in the botton left corner. The animation starts with an egg cracking, then changes to what looks like a tube filling with blood, which i guess, is the timer. The words 'PSP Timer' are displayed in the corner, along with an ascending timer. Whatever it is timing, noodles or an egg, it's finished in about 180 seconds (3 minutes). After this amount of time the picture ofthe girl changes to look like she's eating the noodles, and you can press start to exit the application, which is the only interactive part of this application. It's...bizzare to say the least. Download it and try it out for yourself. If you know exactly what it does, please enlighten me. If you can read Japanese, then check out the developer Raio's website. By the highly intellectual process of enie meanie miny mo, its an egg timer - but still, why would you an egg timer on your PSP? I wonder what the previous versions were like.
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Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

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