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X-Flash v14

Download Name: X-Flash v14  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

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File Size: 1.38 MB

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Views: 84

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Art s has relased yet another monster version of his X-Flash homebrew flashing/firmware modification program for the PSP, updating it to version 14. It's hard to believe that an application that started out so simple was released so long ago; and now look what it has evolved into! The feature list for this version is massive - Art has been very busy on this one. Not only has he released X-Flash v14, but also opened some X-Flash forums on his own website. Well done Art! Now lets get back to business. Here's a list of what you can and can't do in X-Flash v14 according to Art: Things you Can't do: - Detection of iR Shell. No possibility of launching X-Flash from within iR Shell. Sorry, this is required. You can currently (Kerrang Build 5) play mp3s which access the memory stick all the time. - Signature check on data section of the X-Flash program file to prevent replacing/tampering of the program's built in files. - Slightly relaxed free RAM rule implemented in the last version. (detect free RAM function by MPH). Things you can do: - Centered "Hello Nickname" welcome screen for everybody. nickupto25characterslongifthepspsuppor (Yes it does). - Added "Memory Stick" string to the XMB menu editor. This can now be changed to anything like the other labels. - Added five new X-Flash menu colour themes. - Added a few more ASCII GUI effects and fixes. - Detection of stuck down HOME, SELECT, and START buttons at startup. For people who have broken front buttons on their PSP, those buttons will be disabled independently, for everyone else, their operation is faster than the current version. - Fixed message that says "Apply Custom XMB Labels" when using Auto Restore. it now says "Restore Default Labels". Art has also given us a sneak preview of what you can expect in X-Flash v14a, and it involves more XMB customization! The ability to save custom XMB label sets as a file, and read from the file into the XMB label editor as well as an encryption routine making it possible to share your custom label file while keeping the content secret until opened with X-Flash.
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