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Game Categories v5

Download Name: Game Categories v5  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

Date Added:

File Size: 17.07 KB

File Type: (Zip file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 1

Views: 74

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

This plugin allows you to categorize your games/homebrew. It comes with two modes, a mode which makes a context menu pop up each time you open your Game Menu and lets you choose the category, and a mode which displays multiple memory stick icons, one for each category. Changelog:- Fixed some firmware incompatibilities and related issues.- A large number of internal changes aiming at memory conservation.- If you change language in vsh the corresponding game_categories_xx.txt is now immediatly loaded.- Themes which use space padding to position text should now be handled correctly.- Introduced general support for UTF-8, including language files.- Normal menu on Triangle for Game didn't work in Context Mode, fixed.- English and Japanese language codes were swapped internally, fixed.- Plugin was causing an odd crash in Internet Search, fixed.
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