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QuickPower 0.9

Download Name: QuickPower 0.9  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

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File Size: 5.89 KB

File Type: (Rar file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 1

Views: 83

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

With the release of Dark_Alex's 3.03 OE-A' firmware today you might be looking for something new to add to your PSPs firmware, and right on cue comes this update to the QuickPower PRX from Martek, bringing it up to version 0.9. QuickPower is a PRX module (that's a firmware file for those not in the know) which allows you to do a variety of things not included with 3.03 OE firmwares just yet. It allows you to easily switch your system off or reboot it, as well as configure brightness settings wusing key combinations. Here's the full list of functions: * Reboot: HOME & START * Immediately Power off: HOME & SELECT - Bypasses the 5 second wait you usually have when powering your PSP off. * Brightness -: HOME & L * Brightness +: HOME & R (incl. the 4th lightness) And of course an update to QuickPower wouldn't be complete without a changelog and users of the previous version should be quite happy with this as a few of the bugs from the last version have been fixed along with a couple of new additions to customize your PSP experience. Here goes: * Now you can start the Recovery Menu on Reboot as well * Fixed little bug with brightness function * Now SCE logo is not shown if disabled in recovery menu * Added config file for your own button-combinations Please remember that the reboot function only reboots the XMB, which is good if you are flashing another PRX to your PSP and want to see any changes which have been made. To install this just copy the 'seplugins' folder onto your memory stick - it's that simple! Make sure you read the readme file before making any changes to find out how to use the new version properly as it does include a new config file which requires a little tweaking if you want to change the button configuration.
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Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

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