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TwinTail LDE v2.0 - Japanese Version

Download Name: TwinTail LDE v2.0 - Japanese Version  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

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File Size: 345.79 KB

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Views: 92

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Japanese Character Version of TwinTail LDE v2.0 by Emu -------------------------------------------------- [[[ TwinTail LDE ]]] Version 2.0 Copyright (c) 2005, ema. All rights reserved. -------------------------------------------------- [Description] -------------------------------------------------- TwinTail LDE (TTLDE) is a text editor for LUA script. ...with following features: - Original input method named 'TwinTail' - LUA code execution (TTLDE catches syntax/runtime errors) - Windows style selection & cut, copy, paste, search - Multi document interface - Auto indent - Word selector (from dictionary, from global) - User plugin handling (see "plugins" folder) [Controls] -------------------------------------------------- AnalogPad : Move cursor(fast) D-pad : Move cursor Cross+Move: Fast move Start : "File" menu Select : "Plugin" menu L(hold) : Shift R(hold) : Virtual keyboard R + Select: Change keyboard mapping Select + D-pad : Switch Buffer L + D-pad : Selection Circle + D-pad : Search selected words(F3, Shift+F3) Square + D-pad : Function jump Triangle(hold) + D-pad : Word Selector(from dictionary) Triangle(push, release) : Word Selector(from global) L + RRR... : Enter R + LLL... : Backspace L + Square : Cut (Ctrl+X) L + Triangle : Copy (Ctrl+C) L + Circle : Paste (Ctrl+V) L + Cross : Undo (Ctrl+Z) ... only 1 step MultiLine Selection + Space : Indent MultiLine Selection + Tab : Unindent ['TwinTail' virtual keyboard mapping] -------------------------------------------------- -------- 101 like -------- Standard AT keyboard mapping. Easy to input, Easy to memorize. Normal -------------------- 12345 67890 qwert yuiop -asdf ghjkl (zxc) vbnm~ B, . /; =' (B=Backspace) Shifted -------------------- !@#$% ^&*[] QWERT YUIOP _ASDF GHJKL VBNM` E| ?:T+" (E=Enter, T=Tab) ----------- 'RapidTail' ----------- Optimized for speed. More common letters can be inputted with single touch. Normal -------------------- 7q8"9 ~(-)* wfer0 yuiop 4a5s6 ghjtk zcndv bl mx 1+2=3 /;,. Shifted -------------------- &Q*'{ _[=]` WFER} YUIOP $A%S^ GHJTK ZCNDV BLtMX (t=Tab) !b@e# ?:| (b=Backspace, e=Enter) [How to input characters] -------------------------------------------------- This method has some ways to input same character. This sample uses 101 mapping. -How to input 'a': push Left Arrow and release. -How to input 'n': push Cross and release. -How to input 'j': push Circle, Left and release. or push Square, Right and release. -How to input 't': hold Up Right, push Circle and release all. or hold Up, push Circle, Circle and release all. -How to input '_': (JIS) hold L, Circle and Cross, push Right, Down and release all. or hold L and Circle, push Right, Down, Down and release all. -How to input 'which': hold UpLeft, release hold Square, release hold Triangle, release hold DownRight, release hold Square, release [Customize] -------------------------------------------------- 'ttlde.cfg': Defines keyboard/editor colors and mapping type. 'ttlde.dic': Dictionary used by quick word select. 'colorset/': Color schemes (you can add new schemes by adding file) 'plugin/': Plugins (you can add new plugins by adding file)
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