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CWCheat Database Editor v1.40

Download Name: CWCheat Database Editor v1.40  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

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File Size: 162.48 KB

File Type: (Zip file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 1

Views: 146

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

If ever you want to reach the 7th circle of cheating heaven, you better be following homebrew developer Pasky as he most certainly knows the way. And to prove that he is indeed the master cheater of all time, in a good way take note, he just improved his pet application CWCheat Database Editor to v1.40. In case you are not familiar with this app, CWCheat Database Editor spares users the hassle of manually editing their CWCheat .db files. With this app, every cheat is just a click away. After all, it wouldn't be cheat heaven if it isn't as easy as that, right? Anyway, these are the new changes for v1.40: * CWcheat POPs Database Editor and CWcheat Standard Database Editor are now in one complete package! Simply switch between editing modes through the CONFIGURE menu. * PEC Database Converter now built into CWcheat Database Editor. It should no longer freeze in game when loading the converted database since the strings converted are no longer greater than 32 characters in length. The PEC Database Converter can be found under the TOOLS menu. * Minor bug fixes. * Cosmetic improvements. Lastly, take note that you will be neeeding Microsoft .NET 2.0 Framework and a UMD with this app. Have fun!
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Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

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