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Game Categories Lite v1.4

Download Name: Game Categories Lite v1.4  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

Date Added:

File Size: 71.29 KB

File Type: (Zip file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 1

Views: 74

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

Here's the latest version of Codestation's Game Categories Lite, a handy plugin that allows you to categorize all your homebrewed games and apps on your PSP.Changelogs:

version 1.4:

6.60 firmware support
Allow the uncategorized folder to be sorted
Multiple language support.
Added ja translation by popsdeco
Added de translation by KOlle

version 1.3:

Support for categories in contextual menu.
Support for plugin configuration in system settings.
Added runtime detection for ME, so category games are now shown.
Fixed issues with PSPGo (big thanks to raing3 to help me with the debugging).

Developer's note:This plugin is based and uses source code from Game Categories Revised v12 (GCR) and Game Categories Light v1.3 (GCL), both created by Bubbletune. Compatible with 6.20, 6.3x and 6.60 CFW.I changed the name of the project (doing a fork in the process) to avoid confusion with GCL (this plugin doesn't use the folder categories present in firmwares 6.xx) and GCR (the plugin is based heavily in GCL since it doesn't use a kernel/user approach).You can configure the folder prefix (use CAT_ for folders or not), showing uncategorized content and change the category mode in system settings.If you want a translation of the visible options then edit the file category_lite_en.txt and save it using the language code that first you (e.g. "es" for spanish).Note: you must use UTF-8 encoding for the translation files (without unicode BOM).
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Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

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