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PSPHustlazShell v.0.1

Download Name: PSPHustlazShell v.0.1  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

Date Added:

File Size: 1.43 MB

File Type: (Rar file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 1

Views: 97

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

PSPHustlazShell v0.1 from 2.6,CRACKED, PSP-KID and Rikardo_92 from has released a shell that includes: UMD loading Music Playing (MP3 only) Image Viewing (JPG and PNG only) EBOOT Loading USB Battery Information Guidelines: 1. To load other EBOOT homebrew: Put homebrew.txt in ms0: and change the contents of the file to the directory/eboot you want loaded. 2. To load MP3's: Put Hustlaz_MP3.txt in ms0: and change the contents of the file to the mp3 you want loaded (Songs, Directories cant have spaces) Changelog: v0.1 1. Cant use home to exit -> press L+R+Start to exit 2. Image viewer works but is kinda screwy, cant return to the shell once loaded 3. Music player works but circles are left at the end of the lines, and you cant return to the main shell at the moment The Music Player was released as a separate eboot but the images from the HustlazShell is still needed. Future plans for PSPHustlaz? The devs say that they plan to fix all bugs, (maybe) put in video support, add OGG support, and BMP/TGA support for image viewer.
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Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

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