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downPSP v210

Download Name: downPSP v210  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

Date Added:

File Size: 422.63 KB

File Type: (Rar file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 3

Views: 132

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

Project description:downPSP is an app that I started in lua, but now I'm making it in C.The best function of this app is that it's going to be able to download and install a lot of homebrew apps.It looks for the homebrew database in psp.scenebeta.comRight now it is not possible to download or install homebrew, but in a few weeks, it will.I'm working in the cookie-based login of that website, I made that in the old lua version, so this time is easier ;-)In the homebrew downloader, right now you can view the homebrew list (apps, games and emulators), and view a detailed description about each homebrew program.You can also search in the list by pressing the "triangle" button (The games list has more than 800 entries, so you'll probably need it ;-) )Nevertheless, it has other functions like: - Filebrowser with: -PNG image viewer. With scrolling for large images. -Simple text file viewer. With auto line-breaks :-D -You can rename files with the "square" button. -Simple searching with the "triangle" button. -Detects file type, not only by the extension. For example, if you have an MP3 file without any extension, the program know that it is actually an MP3 file. - Self updating through the network ;-) - Options menu with: -Select wether you want to show the initial splash or not. -Show memory stick free space. -Restore default config.
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Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

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