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CWCheat v0.2.1

Download Name: CWCheat v0.2.1  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

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File Size: 1.99 MB

File Type: (Rar file)

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Downloads: 1

Views: 112

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

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PSP Developer weltall dropped us a line earlier to announce that he's updated the CWCheat homebrew to version 0.2.1. Weltall notes that one of the biggest additions to this app is a dynamic clocker function. As the developer explained on what this does: Starting with the cpu load, which you can see by enabling it in the setting menu, it will dynamically change the clock of your cpu up and down with up to 8 variables managing it. So you can make new more or less aggressive plans for it, just by editing the cwcheat.ini file. When the dynamic overcloker triggers, if you have the fps counter enabled you will be able to see also the change in clock. In this way you will be able to gain minutes (maybe hours depending on the game) of gameplay from your battery The changelog indicates several more improvements made to CWCheat aside from the dynamic clocker. We've posted a short version of the log below - you can find the full list in the file bundle. * [ALL] Added a cpu load counter it can be shown with or in place of the fps counter on the top right. You can enable it from the settings menu. * [ALL] Added a dynamic clocker. * [ALL] If the fps counter is enabled the changes in frequence will be shown if the dynamic clocker is enabled * [ALL] Various optimizations in the menu in the cpu clock options * [ALL] Reduced a bit main thread priority * [ALL] Now it's possible to read data about space available/total correctly on > 4gb memory sticks * [POPS] Fixed memory manager english strings so they aren't shown anymore as plain black * [POPS] added proper support in pops in the memory editor. Before it was going out of psx ram area * [POPS] added proper support in pops in the disassembler. Before it was going out of psx ram area * [POPS] Added support in the memory editor to generate codes compatibles with the pops cheat engine * [POPS] Added support in the disassembler to generate codes compatibles with the pops cheat engine * [ALL] fixed a missing translation in the disassembler * [ALL] fixed a problem with > 4gb card which may prevent the dump function from working on these sticks * [ALL] Added swedish translation thanks to tostoo * [ALL] Fixed a problem in an italian string * [ALL] Some fixes for 3.80m33 * [GAME] now the nnnn part of pointer codes will be taken in consideration so it must be 1 for normal codes and > 1 for codes with an extra pointer line * [GAME] Improved pointer codes and added a new codeline to them if nnnn > 1 There are three types of additional codeline. We strongly advise users to view the file's readme for proper installation and usage instructions. You may also want to visit weltall's post over at the QJ.NET PSP Development forums for other additional details, and to provide your feedback.
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Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

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