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DEVHOOK Launcher/VSHEX Mod 1.65b

Download Name: DEVHOOK Launcher/VSHEX Mod 1.65b  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

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File Size: 1.38 MB

File Type: (Zip file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 1

Views: 71

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

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Here be a screenshotOkay, do me a favor. Open pspupdates on a new tab, and then go type "DEVHOOK Launcher/VSHEX Mod" on the search box. You'll see that Chunglam's been very busy. That's how many updates in how many days? The guy just keeps updating, and updating, and updating, and updating, and updating... Anyway, I'll skip to the important things you guys would want to know, like, er, what's new in this version. Changes for Version 1.65b * Added font5x10.LATIN1, font6x12.LATIN1, font10x10.GB and font10x10.BIG5 - Chunglam says that the quality isn't very good though, since they were generated from TrueType font. * The menus of launcher and vshexmod can now be in SJIS, GB, BIG5 and LATIN1 encoding format. Chunglam asks that you specify encoding format in your language file. * Updated Chinese name macro ""(GB) by angelspsp(CNGBA) / eavlvoe (MaxC). Added Chinese name macro "names.sjis"(SJIS) by friend from Taiwan. * Added Simplified Chinese language file by CrUmp Zhao. Added Polish language file by derdzik. Added Portuguese Brazil language and help file by Pender666. * Changed background image contributed by tv8 and Whiplord. * Added firmware 2.00 config text files. What's new with the Launcher? * You can now remove "ms0:/dh/kd/devhook046.prx" to prevent launcher prompt you "Switch Devhook" menu. Chunglam says that this is a little something for all your Devhook 0.45 fans out there. * Re-added firmware 2.00 selection. Notes for Vshexmod 1.25b * Auto load name macro (names.*) if encoding format is specified in language file otherwise load "macro.txt" * List only compatible fonts if encoding format is specified in language file. * Added loading cover bitmap "cover0.bmp" in root of ISO/CSO image. Great work Chunglam! Anyway, at the rate Chunglam is updating we think it's safe for you guys to keep posting your inputs on how he could improve his amazing app on the comments. Oops sorry, it seems that you guys have already been doing that. Silly me. Download [DEVHOOK Launcher/VSHEX Mod 1.65b]
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Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

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