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XMB Screensaver v2

Download Name: XMB Screensaver v2  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

Date Added:

File Size: 323.56 KB

File Type: (Zip file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 1

Views: 100

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

This plugin is written to launch a purpose written screensaver eboot after a predeterminedamount of time (approx 3.5 minutes) of no activity in the PSP's XMB menu.The screensaver timer is reset any time you:- Press a button,- are watching a movie with the XMB video player- are playing music with the XMB music player- Hhve an open USB mass storage connection- are using the integrated web browser- are using the PSP GoCam!Thanks to califrag of QJnet forums for some pointers for getting this working properly.This plugin consists of two prx modules that must be copied to ms0:/seplugins directory.You must also have a folder ms0:/PSP/SCREENSAVER with a screensaver eboot in it.The first module "screensaver.prx" detects and times inactivity, and then starts thekernel mode "ssload.prx", and passes a command to launch the screensaver eboot.The screensaver eboot could potentially be replaced with some other homebrew that you'dlike to run after 3.5 minutes of inactivity for some reason.The screensaver app is run from it's own folder so that it doesn't show up in the Game menu.The included "Multimesh", "Plasma", and "Flamez" screensavers are all compiled for thisplugin so that they exit after any button press, and the XMB is subsequently restarted.If you do not want to see the coldboot splash screen you should disable it in recovery mode.Multimesh is written by me, using the Easy Accelerated Image Library.Plasma is originaly ported to the PSP by karmon of is originaly ported to PSP by Fanjita of QJnet forums, DCemu.
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