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PSPRadio v1.1.1258

Download Name: PSPRadio v1.1.1258  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

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File Size: 2.13 MB

File Type: (Zip file)

Comments: 0

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Views: 68

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

So, what's new with homebrew developer Raf and his kickass PSPRadio? Well, not so many really, but then again, a lot. We know you got a bit confused there so let us explain: Raf deciced to re-release PSPRadio v0.38.12 and renamed it PSPRadio v1.1.1258. It's not a simple re-launch though as he tweak some importan things. First, he wrote that this is a new start for this app as he plans to gear it towards a different direction. He didn't specificall mentioned ehat direction but he did say that all releases from now on are for firmwares 2 and above with OE. The first version was tested on 3.03 B. Some other changes included: New features: * Core: Version number is now 1.1.XXXX, where XXXX is the subversion revision at the time of the build. * Core: Modified Makefile targets. No more static/dynamic versions. Only Dynamic, for f/w 2.0+ (OE F/W). Bug Fixes: * Core: Modules can be loaded, but unloading causes a crash * Core: USB is not working (help is appreciated) Raf added that if a plugin stops responding, try pressing L+R+START. his should take you to PSP Radio. Also, the coder would like to remind users that the PSP could lock up whenever a plugin stops loading. This includes switching the UI, as the old plugin is unloaded before the new one is loaded. Sounds like a lot of problems? Don't fret because Raf knows this perfectly well and this version is actually a WIP. In case you are interested and be one of the first ones to try PSPRadio anew, the download link is provided below.
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Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

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