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LuaPlayer v0.20 Cools Mod with Flashing

Download Name: LuaPlayer v0.20 Cools Mod with Flashing  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

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File Size: 677.77 KB

File Type: (Rar file)

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Downloads: 1

Views: 58

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

If we are not mistaken, the last time we heard about LuaPlayer for the PlayStation Portable was when Mod 3 was incorporated into it. (LuaPlayer is a PSP homebrew from developer Cools; it lets you play Lua games on the Sony PSP). Now, coder SG57 informed us that he has taken the liberty to mod the said application to accommodate certain flashing capabilities. SG57 mod will allow users to assign and un-assign devices. It means that you can now flash to flash0 and flash1, as well as read from disc0. The mod will also let users use iR Shell's usbhost/nethost devices. SG57 said that he has already tested this several times, and this is what the program does exactly (this information was copy-pasted from SG57's post in the QJ.NET PSP Development Forum): * It will first un-assign the flash0 device/driver, than reassign it with write-read privileges. * Then, it will back up your current 01-12.bmp (xmb themes image). * Then finally, you press the [X] button to flash your own 01-12.bmp you want to replace your now old ones with (But dont worry if you dont like the new xmb background theme, as your old one is backed up). * It loads the one you want as your XMB background theme from ms0:/01-12.bmp, and the backup is saved the same, but with a .backup suffix * Once done with it all, press START to return to lowser, or press HOME and go back to XMB and see how it looks. Warning: this LuaPlayer mod has flashing capabilities. Newbies and noobs should NOT flash their PSPs unless they know what they're doing. Before you use this application, please be sure that you know what you are doing. As we all know, any kind of flashing involves a lot of risks. SG57 mentioned that he has added several security measures to the application but the bricking rate is still relatively high.
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Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

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