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PRXdecrypter 2.0

Download Name: PRXdecrypter 2.0  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

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File Size: 55.14 KB

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As with any work in progress, jas0nuk's decryption application PRXdecrypter has been on the receiving end of upgrades. In fact, the homebrew developer has recently released a new version of the software, dubbed PRXdecrypter 2.0, for your Sony PSP. Below is a complete listing of the changes and additions in PRXdecrypter 2.0 since the last version we covered, according to jas0nuk: Version 1.9 - Fixed bug where pressing X for too long caused it to try and decrypt multiple times resulting in a huge log of error messages - Rewritten method of loading files for RLZ decompression in preparation for 2.0 which will have KLE decompression - Improvements to the logfile - Tweak to enable 1SEG.PBP decryption - More keys added (certain apps which run in pspbtcnf_app mode) - Fixes to prevent crash on 3.80 ` NOTE: 3.80 has removed the RLZ decompression routines and replaced them with KLE. At the moment I have no information about the KL3E/KL4E NIDs and have therefore left them out of this version ` RLZ still works fine in 3.71 and below, and in 1.50 where you can load sysmem_rlz.prx to enable it as usual Version 2.0 - Working KL4E decompression in 3.80/3.90 - Press LEFT on the D-Pad to signcheck all ~PSP encrypted files in the ms0:/enc folder - Totally reorganized the source code. Everything is now in one build. Internally the code is slightly different for 1.50, 2.71~3.71, and 3.80+. ` All functions are now loaded from prxdecrypter_0xg.prx (1 = 1.50, 2 = 2.71~3.71, 3 = 3.80+) ` At the moment, RLZ decompression is available in 1.50 if you put a decrypted 2.71+ sysmem_rlz.prx into ms0:/enc ` RLZ decompression is natively available in 2.71~3.71 but NOT KL4E decompression ` KL4E decompression is natively available in 3.80+ but NOT RLZ decompression (as they removed it) ` So, depending on what you want to decompress or decrypt, you may need to run it from a different firmware ` KL3E decompression is NOT yet available, so you can't properly extract the 3.80+ reboot.bin - Made the options a little more organized with a few dividers, and changed keys to make more sense - Press SELECT to switch between the normal output folder (which overwrites your input files) and "ms0:/dec" so the input files are kept separate from the output. Also, if this is your first time to use jas0nuk's PRXdecrypter application, then the homebrew developer advises users to check the readme.txt file for the full instructions.
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