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Flash0 Free Space Calculator v1

Download Name: Flash0 Free Space Calculator v1  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

Date Added:

File Size: 19.17 KB

File Type: (Zip file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 1

Views: 57

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

Everybody seems to be in a giving mood this holiday season! Why did we say that? Because kando stopped by our forums to tell us about his and weltall's nifty creation which is the Flash0 Free Space Calculator v1. The app is based on some codes by LordSturm and what it does is it tries to determiune just how much space of free on your Flash0. This app is pretty nifty for those people who wishes to code a program that uses flash0 space. Also, in case you may want to modify firmware parts that require more flash0 room, then this app right here could come in pretty handy. However, it is not free of any bugs as Kando shares that for now, free space could only be calculated up tp 1.50MB. With regards to this app bricking your flash0, he says that: Not likely. there is ALWAYS a 0.00001% chance of bricking, however, as long as you dont take out your battery or run it w/ 1% battery left, you will be fine. Just let the program finish running. Also if you run this program about 100,000 times your flash0 might give out. But then again, even w/ all my playing around w/ flash0, i've only written a couple hundred times But it never hurts to take some pre-cautionary measures. It is also best to read the forum release thread or the readme file that comes with the download. Indeed, it is the season of giving! Kudos to kando and weltall!
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Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

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