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Audio Mechanica V8d

Download Name: Audio Mechanica V8d  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

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File Size: 761.50 KB

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Downloads: 2

Views: 78

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from Art:Hi Guys,This is the latest release of my digital audio recorder program which happens to be a complete rewrite.Most of the functionality of the older versions has now been written into this version.You need either a Socom compatible headset with PSP headphone remote control, a Go!Cam (Chotto Cam),or a Talkman USB microphone to provide the PSP with compatible hardware for this program to work.There are numerous modifications to tap a microphone input out of your remote, or find a 4 conductor3.5mm jack, and convert your own standard PC microphone headset, or, as I have done, convert a mobilephone headset for use with the PSP. Details of these mods are posted on PSPU forums, and forums.In my experience, mobile phone (and DIY) headsets don't have the same quality of the original PSP headset.On the other hand, for line input , use a stock Ipod Video cable with three RCA connectors on one end,and the four conductor 3.5mm plug on the other end.When the Ipod video cable is connected to the PSP remote, the Yellow RCA plug becomes the PSP input,and the red and white RCA plugs are the Left and Right PSP output channels.WARNING: Be careful with the level present at the PSP unit's input. Start at low volume and work your way up.Do not use a level that results in distortion at the output. Most component equipment with line leveloutputs will not be suitable because their output level is too high, and cannot be adjusted. Many DigitalTV set top boxes do provide for adjusting the volume of their line level outputs. I have tested the programwith one of these. It is not recommended to connect the PSP to recieve signal from in car audio equipment.Version History:Audio Mechanica V8d (27/11/08), Released 07/02/09:Program now checks for music folder in the root directory, and creates it if it does not existso that the program works with Memory Sticks that are formatted by older firmware versions.Updated to Peb's latest OSK library so the onscreen keyboard language matches the PSP settings.
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