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PSP Filer version 3.1

Download Name: PSP Filer version 3.1  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

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File Size: 723.81 KB

File Type: (Zip file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 1

Views: 107

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

After a little more than a month, homebrew coder Mediumgauge is dropping by to let everybody know that PSP Filer application has been updated to version 3.1. PSP Filer, as its name implies, is a homebrew file organizer for the PlayStation Portable. What makes this program especially handy is that it allows users to do tasks on their PSP that are normally PC-specific, such as swapping out custom themes or icons. Moving on to 3.1's changelog: I. Changed icon design - made by RaiderX II. General: Added language selector when Filer runs without filer.ini. Added German mode. (thanks Experiment1106 to translate) Modified analog pad speed in color edit mode. Made mp3/wav playback stop when suspended or tuner launched. III. Filer: Fixed a bug that caused when seeing directory info on UMD. Fixed when resuming from suspend mode, MS Duo was reloaded. Added folder copy/move mode, and merged all copy, move, paste feature to one. Fixed a bug Filer went down when opening too deep folder structure. IV. Text viewer: Modified up&down scroll speed on analog pad. V. Binary viewer: Modified up&down scroll speed on analog pad. VI. Picture viewer: Changing picture by left&right, and back to filer, cursor position follows to the last picture you seen. Be sure to view the bundle's README upon downloading for installation instructions, control details, and contact information (in case of bugs). First-time users may also want to be extra careful with this application - PSP Filer is reputedly complicated to use, and misusing it may lead to you bricking your PSP. Aside from that warning, we hope you enjoy the download. Our thanks goes to Mediumgauge for this cool update, along with RaiderX who gave us the heads-up for PSP Filer v3.1's release.
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Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

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