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Download Name: tnt.prg.gz  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

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File Size: 537.90 KB

File Type: (Zip file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 1

Views: 72

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

One of the conveniences of modern life is the ability to view TV programs while on the go. Fortunately for Sony PSP users, homebrew developers Seb, Cladil and Quadrizo have come up with a Portable Program Guide (PPG) v0.1will allow Sony handheld users to do precisely that. According to Cladil, this is what you need to do to install the application: * Unzip the archive to the root of your MS. * In the first mode, the PPG will connect to the internet (with config 1). Download the current week's file programs and then restart. * If you do not have an internet connection, load the file programs using the alternative that Cladil has provided (in the list of download links below, i's the second link from the top). Paste it to the repertory of the EBOOT. Cladil has warned potential users that since this is PPG's initial version, certain things are not possible at this time: "We can not scroller when the program description fate of the screen, we can not select Config network, we can not compare programs on several channels, we can not sort the strings, etc..." Nevertheless, Seb, Cladil and Quadrizo have included a script update for PSP owners. Basically, this allows users to create their own tnt.prg.gz file. Additions include wget, wput, md5sum, xmltv, and libxml2. To launch, use either: * ./ and/or * ./ To create the files, prg.gz respective companies. Cladil noted "that the current version of PPG does not charge the file if it is not tnt.prg.gz, so for free, you must rename the file." Cladil also advised PSP users not to try adding their icons, as " is by no means automatic hand." There will be a default PPG icon instead. The software is a French homebrew application, so you may wish to use translation software in order to make sense of it. As with all homebrew applications for your Sony PSP, kindly exercise caution when downloading and installing the software.
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Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

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