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xautob - 2.71 SEC Autoboot PRX v0.2

Download Name: xautob - 2.71 SEC Autoboot PRX v0.2  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

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File Size: 5.65 KB

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Views: 63

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Item description:

We'll quote fellow writer Jex H. on this one: "And so the SE-C mania continues." Over at our forums, mov just released xautob, an autoboot PRX for Dark_Alex's 2.71 SE-C. v0.2 fixes a small bug from the prior version that led to 2.71 applications being loaded under 1.50, mov explains. Let the Readme explain this homebrew best: This is a plugin for autostarting eboots under firmware 2.71se (tested only under se-C) Features: * cheesy fix allowing cpu speed changes (amongst other things?) for autostarted iR Shell 3.0 under 2.71 kernel (not sure if the problem affects apps besides iR Shell haven't checked - but the workaround is enabled for all 2.71 apps anyway). * support for associating the following buttons with apps: triangle, circle, cross, square, left/right triggers, up, down, left, right, select, start, home, hold & the wlan switch state (on/off). * config file support (psp/system/xautob.cfg); format: `button=ms0:/path/to/eboot'. includes basic comment support (lines prefixed with #), kernel specification, pretty loose button/kernel reading (ltrigger is the same as LtRiGgEr is the same as ltrig, 150 cross = cross_150, etc.). blank or invalid path entries in the config are interpreted as "load the XMB"; if multiple entries for the same button are found the last one is used. example config: # wlan switch on? start irshell under kernel 2.71.. wlanon=ms0:/psp/game271/irshell271/eboot.pbp # wlan switch off? start irshell under kernel 1.5.. wlanoff_150=ms0:/psp/game150/irshell150/eboot.pbp # load xmb ltrig Instructions for installation are also at the Readme file.
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