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X-Flash 17b

Download Name: X-Flash 17b  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

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File Size: 1.63 MB

File Type: (Zip file)

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Views: 54

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

PSP homebrew developer Art has hooked us up with new updates about his homebrew creation, X-Flash (now on version 17b). Indeed, Art just made the day of most custom firmware aficionados who'll be having a ball over this. Well, what can we say? Time flies so fast nowadays. So let's start with the basics. If this happens to be the first time that you're reading about this app, then we'll tell youi now that you have a lot of reading to do. Just to give you guys a general idea, X-Flash is a firmware mod program that allows you to apply newly discovered firmware hacks. But as we've said, you've got a lot of reading to do. No worries though, we have all the X-Flash related reports right here. Just click on the X-Flash tag and you'll get all the articles you need. Crystal clear? Let's move along to the changelog, shall we? V17b (12/12/06): * Release to fix to name plate routine. V17 (12/12/06): * Added auto checking for incorrect PSP registry version at startup. User is kicked if a 1.50 registry is present in a 2.71 SE firmware installation, or vice versa. A prompt is given to restore regitsry settings in the XMB menu. * Added custom coded '6AM Sample Player'. Sound effects are resampled louder and clearer. Sound sample files are biult into the program eboot file. Mikmod audio library is now used soley to play demo music. * Startup file checking sequence is faster since there are less external files to validate.
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