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Download Name: PSP-Dizaster  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

Date Added:

File Size: 3.30 MB

File Type: (Rar file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 1

Views: 83

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

The portal site for the PSP that allows users to play some games, watch videos, and other "cool" stuff is back with the latest version Win Portal v1.5. The Win Portal can be viewed in the web browser on a 2.00+ PSP. DreaDNoughT of PSP-Dizaster, developer of the portal, admits there were little changes made but claims these changes are major ones. Changes made on v1.5, startight from DreaDNoughT himself: i have added a WAY faster n'gin to it.. a update function, a image viewer (VSI-View wich stands for Very Simple Image-view) and a fucking skin changer, no other portal has had that one b4.. oh and a new evil-looking main skin to. and 1 new link.. psp-unlocked really cool sites With regards to the skin changer, there aren't too much skins as the developer had those 'poor 32mb mems that's still out there' in mind. He promised he'll release a skin pack for people whose PSP had bigger memories. If you want to know more about the portal and how to use it, feel free to read the readme file (you can't miss it; it screams F*CKING READ ME.TXT).
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Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

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