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PSP Easy-C

Download Name: PSP Easy-C  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

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File Size: 346.56 KB

File Type: (Zip file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 1

Views: 212

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

Homebrew developer Re_AnimAte has been working really hard the past few weeks on applications PSP Game Maker and PSP Studio Max. Take note that, Game Maker is a working compiler and tester for Lua games made in C#. Studio Max, on the other hand, is a shell for ithat program. Anyway, the coder dropped by QJ.Net Forums today and released PSP Easy-C. Some of you might now be wondering what the heck this Easy-C is all about. It's actually an improvement for Studio Max, an expansion if you will. Basically, the Studio app has been re-made to use C. Re_AnimAte added that there is a bit of a setup with all the files. However, it shouldn't be harder than using PSPDEV which was modded by another coder, PSdonkey. While this is the first release for PSP Easy-C, the coder mentioned that it has been tested many times and is working perfectly fine. Speakinf of which, Re_AnimAte wishes to upgrade this program in the future and that's why he is currently looking for beta testers. No fancy C language knowledge is required, as long as you can write a "Hello World" script. Microsoft .Net Framework 3.0 is needed to run PSP Easy-C.
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Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

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