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Extreme Cheats v7 (source code)

Download Name: Extreme Cheats v7 (source code)  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

Date Added:

File Size: 286.34 KB

File Type: (Rar file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 3

Views: 238

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

After almost three months of hiatus, homebrew developer Quake came out anew and dropped v7 of pet application Extreme Cheats. He's also giving the rest of the community a piece of "cheat heaven" as he released the source code for this PSP Windows-based program. As you all know by now, Extreme Cheats is a GUI that aids users to maintain their database for CWCheat. The latter was created by anothe developer Weltall. The following are the improvements done to Extreme Cheats v7: * Install: o revH to revI - 3.10 OE * Cheats form: o Fixed Menu Open - Cancel Error o Fixed Space on Game Name - Now has button goto (By pressing a number or letter on the keyboard). * Settings form: o Load Options + Cheat DB + Sort o Settings Options + Buttons Sound + Change Button Sound + Auto Unload * Update: o Direct download (This can be changed and saved) o The link to the download page. o Update Checker * DB Urls o Cheat DB Url - Used for the Menu o Web Url - Used for the Menu Since the source code for this program is now available, we believe that a handful of other coders would be very much interested to twaek Extreme Cheats to their liking. As always, please acknowledge Quake somewhere in your program whenever you do this.
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Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

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