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Download Name: FlatEditPSP  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

Date Added:

File Size: 247.47 KB

File Type: (Zip file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 1

Views: 78

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

Homebrew developer for the PSP, flatmush, has released a nifty application called FlatEditPSP v1.0.0. From the name itself, you may already have an idea what it does, but just to be clear, FlatEditPSP is a simple text editor for the PSP. It's basically like a notepad but with a slightly different and cooler keyboard. So since this is the first time we're reporting about it, we'll hook you up with the basics. The instructions on how to use it (how to type in the letters, move the cursor etc.) are all in the comprehensive readme file that comes with the download. So if you really want to maximize the capabilities of this app, you better read up. On the left hand side of the app, you could see the quikc key reference, so using this app would be very easy. A few reminders from the dev. He says that you shouldn't try opening massive files (greater than 16MB). He also encourages you to use the menus for cut/paste because that would be easier. Since there is no undo feature in the app for now, make sure that you save as often as possible. For now, the insert function does nothing as it is not yet implemented and the file browser crashes mysteriously after a while. But rest assured that he is working really hard to perfect this app. In the end, it all boils down to reading the readme file because it will really teach you a thing or two about the FlatEditPSP. Download link's down there, have fun and hook us up with your comments.
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Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

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