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Pandora's Ultimate Magic Stick Installer

Download Name: Pandora's Ultimate Magic Stick Installer  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

Date Added:

File Size: 125 Bytes

File Type: (Rar file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 2

Views: 93

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

QJ.NET reader tommy1994 dropped by QJ.NET PSP Development Forum and informed us about an interesting homebew application and compilation from developer overfiendx. Called Pandora's Ultimate Magic Stick Installer, this one allows users to easily do the following things: * Upgrade slims to 3.71-2 M33 * Upgrade phat to 3.71-2 M33 with 1.50-2 kernel patch * Downgrade phat to 1.50 * Upgrade phat straight to 3.52 M33 from Extended Boot Menu then install * Update 4 no need to downgrade to 1.50 * Start up PSP with Ultimate Loader with support For choosing which Pandora's you reach v1 or v3(by hold L trigger) * Boot to XMB (Phat Only) * Boot to a full 1.50 from Mem Stick (Phat Only) * Use PSPFiler and other tools (If it requires 1.50 slims can't) As much as this program is very useful, take note that you will be ned to know certain details regarding installation and usage to avoid problems. Pandora's Ultimate Magic Stick Installer doesn't come with a Readme.txt file but our forum link below as well as the Source link should help you out. Enjoy!
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Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

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