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PSP Homepage Customizer v1.5

Download Name: PSP Homepage Customizer v1.5  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

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File Size: 11.80 KB

File Type: (Rar file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 1

Views: 120

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

uberOne s has updated his PSP Homepage Customizer to version 1.5 today for all those who use the PSPs integrated firmware browser. This program requires Windows to run, but can create a personalized homepage for your PSP web browser. To use this program, first enter the drive letter of your PSP using the drop down box. Then you enter the site title, followed by the URL. By Clicking "Add Link" the program will add the link to an index.htm. Then all you have to do is set your homepage to file:/home.html and you're all set with a customized homepage. This program has come on in leaps and bounds since the last release, with the addition of many bug fixes and the ability to add a background color. As with everything, there's a downside to this new and improved version: no easter egg. Anyway, the addition of colour support is good for those that don't know any from of HTML code to spruce up their homeage a bit. To add a background color, input a color in the form of RGB code or the raw color code into the background color field. A list of RGB colors can be found here, with raw color codes here. This release may seem like the be-all and end-all of new PSP Hompage Customizer versions with color support and link addition, but uberOne still has plans for this funky little application. Features on uberOne's to do list include: * Colored text links (most likely in the next version) * Ability to have a background picture * Will detect links from last input and not delete them every time program is used You will need Windows and the .NET framework v2 installed, but other than that you can use this in collaboration with any PSP firmware that has a web browser - even emulated DevHook firmwares!
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Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

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