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iPhone Simulator T2 (English)

Download Name: iPhone Simulator T2 (English)  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

Date Added:

File Size: 2.72 MB

File Type: (Zip file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 4

Views: 217

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

If you're one of those people still lusting after the new 3G iPhones but don't have the cash for one, you might be interested in this quick homebrew fix courtesy of developer J3r3mie. Entitled "iPhone Simulator", this PlayStation Portable homebrew application mimicks the basic interface and functions of the Apple iPhone. The current build is the second test version released by the developer and comes with its own Lua shell to run the program on. To give you a better idea of how iPhone Simulator works, here's a list of all the app's different features and their basic functions: - Safari ~Launch Sony Web browser - Music ~Play MP3/OGG with chowing album, artist and title - uManager ~Launch ISO ~Launch UMD ~Dump UMD - Calculator ~ Basic operation - LuaProg ~Read and Write file - Extractor ~Extract Zip file -PBP/ELF ~Launch ELF ~Launch PBP - Explorator ~Rename / Copy / Move / Delete - Photo ~Print JPG and PNG image - Customize ~Change Wallpaper ~Change mouse iPhone Simulator T2 comes in two language variants - English and French. For more information regarding the program, you can visit the developer's thread on the QJ.NET forums, accessible through the link in the main artcile.
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Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

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