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Custom XMB Plugin v1.0

Download Name: Custom XMB Plugin v1.0  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

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File Size: 3.46 MB

File Type: (Zip file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 1

Views: 86

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

Remember the SCEP-XMB plugin that homebrew developer poisonhzkj has been working on? We'll be taking a break from that particular homebrew to make room for this other promising project in the works - the Custom XMB plugin 1.0, or CXMB for short. According to |-Anubis-| over at the QJ.Net Forums, this plugin "once enabled in the vsh.txt, will allow the use of custom RCOs from the memory stick instead of ones flashed to flash0." What this means in layman's terms is that this plugin will allow PSP owners to customize their XMB without having to flash their unit. CXMB is built to work for custom PSP firmware 3.40 OE. Given the file bundle's lack of a readme, we strongly advise users to pass by |-Anubis-|'s thread over at our QJ.Net Forums, and poisonhzkj's site (the source link) for installation and usage instruction. On a last note, CXMB's author further states that the plugin is part of an ongoing XMB theme controller under development - expect later versions of SCEP to come equipped with a plugin based on CXMB. The bundle also includes Calabi Spheres XMB Icons theme
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Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

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