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LUA VLF lib v0.3

Download Name: LUA VLF lib v0.3  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

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File Size: 1.54 MB

File Type: (Rar file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 1

Views: 89

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Item description:

LUA VSH Look & Feel v0.3* by LXDLibrary for the easy creation of VSH / XMB similar designs/applications for the PGE luaplayer.the complete documentation is included in the dlinstead of a sample i included a tutorial which explains the most important functions and a simple VLF project.heres the changelogAdded-------------------------------------------VLF.DrawSymbol()Draws an original psp Symboleg.cross, square, startVLF.term()terminates the vlf engineand unloads all files used by vlf.VLF.SetCustomWave()loads and sets a custom waveadded the fonts: VLF.Font_small, VLF.Font_hugeImproved--------------------------------------------VLF.DrawCentralMenu()-added scrolling if to many items are available-the item table can now be defined like this-table = {"item 1","item 2","item 3"}-SET_HIGHLIGHT_BUTTON is now auto controledVLF.Draw_Waves()-Custom Waves can now be displayed [VLF.SetCustomWave()]VLF.DrawOptions()its possible to print custom optionsVLF.DrawClock()added an option to adjust the time shiftVLF.DrawText()-you can display arrows by usingVLF_ARROW_UPVLF_ARROW_DOWNVLF_ARROW_UP_DOWNinstead of selectedE.GVLF.DrawText(0,0,VLF.Font ,"VLF lib 0.3",2,3,VLF.Text_Color,V LF.Shadow_Color,VLF_ARROW _UP_DOWN,false)-you can use symbol variables in your textBugs--------------------------------------------VLF.DrawFrame()fixed compability to VLF.DrawTitleBar()VLF.DrawFocus()fixed animation errorVLF.DrawScrollbar()the text table can now be defined with less than 9 fields
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