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Lick's Media Player -ng (LMP-ng) v1.02

Download Name: Lick's Media Player -ng (LMP-ng) v1.02  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

Date Added:

File Size: 719.38 KB

File Type: (Zip file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 3

Views: 190

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

The developments keep on coming for the previously discontinued Lick's Media Player. Now taken over by Lucas, The iPod-looking DS media player has moved out of alpha and into version 1.02. While there currently isn't a changelog for 1.02, we did manage to find some information on the 1.01 release, though it isn't much: It's just a small bugfix with handling non-ASCII chars from RC3. I uploaded 1.01 which fixes a bug with EZFlash. But I promise I'll post detailed changelogs from now on. You'll have to remember to DLDI patch the application if you want it to work, by the way. In any case, just stick the appropriate file into your flash card and run the app to get it to work. Don't hesitate to show it to your friends though, so they can be awed by the fact that you have a DS and an iPod in one neat package.
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