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PSP eMail and SMS

Download Name: PSP eMail and SMS  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

Date Added:

File Size: 158.87 KB

File Type: (Zip file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 1

Views: 63

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

Cools' (theriddlingsphinx) latest addition to his download worthy games and applications, like PSP Tic Tac Toe, PSP Monopoly and Lua Player Mod is the PSP eMail and SMS. According to his email to QJ, this was sitting on top of his desktop for who knows how long and he just one day decided to finish it. Aren't we all glad he did? Here's what else he has to say about his application: I found this on my desktop and decided to finish it! It uses the danzeff input to write emails and text messages for ease of use. This is my custom port of danzeff to lua and you will notice that you will not need to hold down L or R when typing some characters on screen, because it will scroll through them (seems a little confusing, but after use its ok). It will use wifi connection 1 be default, you can change it manually if you want, in the future I plan on being able to select which connection. Email works! but it seems like you MIGHT have to exit out if you are planning on sending more than one email... I havent gotten text messaging (SMS) to work, but it should. This will become more developed in the near future. Install it as you would any Lua application. After installation, fill out the necessary fields and press the Select button to choose between SMS and Email and presto!
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Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

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