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system_plugin_fg.rco (for XMBE v1)

Download Name: system_plugin_fg.rco (for XMBE v1)  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

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File Size: 9.52 KB

File Type: (Zip file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 1

Views: 90

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

PSP homebrew developer Auraomega is better known for projects like PSPLock and Roadblocks, but it seems that the dev works on another project as a break from the main ones. The dev has decided to release the said project called XMBE, just in case anyone else wants to use it. XMBE, or Cross Media Bar Extension, is currently on version 1 and is basically aimed for XMB customization through external plugins (In english, that means it allows users to make changes on the XMB, the clock for example). Auraomega admits that the current release is still a bit bare since not much time has been spent on it. Anyway, the current release has these features: * New clock, with the time in hour:minute:second:micros econd:AM/PM. * Full length date, currently this is in the English format, I may convert to USA format for the next version. * Remaining battery life * Glow or Flash effect on the lettering This release also includes a basic screensaver (XMBE-S.prx) that activates "after roughly 30 seconds of enactivity in the XMB". Auraomega noted that users will have to remove the plugin from the folder if they don't like it since there's no option to turn it off. Also, the dev mentioned that you may need a custom system_plugin_fg.rco. Anyway, check out XMBE version 1 below. Please go through the readme file - it is quite informative as it does list the known bugs and installation instructions, among other things.
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Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

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