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Vice City Stories Cheat Device v2.1

Download Name: Vice City Stories Cheat Device v2.1  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

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File Size: 288.72 KB

File Type: (Zip file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 2

Views: 266

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

Just two days after the original release of his Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories Cheat Device in PRX form, the amazing Edison Carter has come to the resuce of Vice City Stories players by updating the CheatDevice to version 2.1 today. This CheatDevice being in the form of a PRX firmware file, you have to run DevHook in order to use it. To install, simply use the provded easy-to-use installer and then run Devhook emulating 2.71 with the 2.0 > 2.xx UMD trick enabled. It's that easy! This version adds more of what Edison Carter said he would add in his last release, as well as the ability to play about with gravity and do funny things to your car. Haven't guessed what Edison said he would add in his last release yet? Here's what's been added in v2.1 : * Play with gravity: Heavy car or bike * Make your car indestructible * More teleport locations. This is what Edison said he would add more of and the range has got much larger since v2.0a. The large range of teleport locationsmakes getting to the missions easier if you don't mind cheating your way trough VCS. A lot of people use this device as a bit of extra fun, and not to cheat alll the way through the game. Even when you've completed GTA:VCS, you will find yourself going back to it and having fun with the Cheat Device. It's something that made Liberty City Stories a much better game and will do the same with the latest game in the Grand Theft Auto series for PSP. Remember, we advise that you do not save your game after using cheats, and the reputation conscious amongst you should bear in mind that when you spawn vehicles, you are using a game cheat that will lower your criminal rating.
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