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Ultimate Recovery Menu v2.0 rev 140

Download Name: Ultimate Recovery Menu v2.0 rev 140  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

Date Added:

File Size: 624.98 KB

File Type: (Rar file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 3

Views: 118

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

Tired of your plain old recovery menu? Well thanks to the latest efforts of coders Ceikor, Blue7, Nameless, Hackman and Total_Noob, we now have a full pledge alternative solution, the Ultimate Recovery Menu.

What's inside the menu:

A main menu that contains :

USB connection , which allows to connect to a PC via a USB cable . we can connect:

The Memory Stick
UMD ( to dump )

Recovery Flasher, which launches the application of the same name if it was installed on the Memory Stick.�
CPU Speed , who can change the CPU speed ( in the XMB ,...)
System Tools , which allows :

View system information ( model PSP, motherboard ,...)
Make a backup of Nand
Nand Restore
Make a backup of the registry
Restore Registry

Battery Options , which allows:

Check the battery mode (Pandora , Autoboot or normal) , and the series of the latter
Normalize battery
Pandoriser battery
Change the battery in Battery Autoboot ( autostart )
Restore EEPROM

Registry Hacks , which allows :

Enable WMA Playback
Enable Flash Player
Format the flash1 and restore default settings

On the left, the configuration menu , which includes all options Recovery Menu normal but add some:

Skip Sony logo
Hide corrupt icons
Choosing the kernel
Set UMD Mode
Use the Fake Region
Enable the plugins in the XMB
Enable / disable plugins in GAME
Enable / disable plugins in POPS ( PS1 emulator )
Show VSH Menu
Choose what will be connected through the USB connection in the XMB
Charge the battery with USB
Enable / disable the update M33
Hide the MAC address
Use version.txt

On the right of the main menu will presently have 3 menus , respectively :

The plugins are active in the XMB ( vsh.txt )
The active plugins in games ( GAME.txt )
The active plugins in PS1 emulation ( POPS.txt )


Current focus of the improved configs
RegionFake bug fix
Ms Speed up / Hide Mac Address bug fix

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Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

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