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LITEspeed 1.0

Download Name: LITEspeed 1.0  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

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File Size: 6.57 KB

File Type: (Zip file)

Comments: 0

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Views: 74

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

Liquid Jin has released his first LUA project, LITEspeed 1.0. LITEspeed is an on-screen-keyboard (OSK) plug-in for TTLDE, a text editor written in Lua, and used to edit Lua scripts while inside of your PSP. Here is the message on Liquid Jin's homepage: This is my first LUA project. It was inspired by a forum post dedicated to creating a suitable virtual keyboard for the PSP. Liquid8e showcased an attempt at using the analog stick to speed things up which created a pretty good discussion on alternative ways to use the analog. This really got the wheels turning in my head. That night on my way home for work I designed LITEspeed on paper. Only later did I discover the marvelous work that is TTLDE - ema we are lucky to have such a talented and disciplined programmer in our midst. Over the weekend, I studied the TTLDE script files and learned how to use LUA to develop OO solutions. Then I ported my original work over to an OSK plugin and voila - version 1.0 is here. Enjoy. Known Bugs: #1 - CRASH - Switching from LITEspeed to another OSK and then back to LITEspeed causes TTLDE to crash because it has problems getting access to the logo image.
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Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

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