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Flashmod v3.01 with Font Installer

Download Name: Flashmod v3.01 with Font Installer  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

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File Size: 2.75 MB

File Type: (Rar file)

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Downloads: 3

Views: 288

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

Ravine has released a mod of the Flashmod , which was originally by Orbis PSP Development. He has added a font installer function in this version to prevent having to place the customized font on your memory stick, which means, this function will write the font files into your firmware. Ravine has tested this with the TeamOverload's customized italic font and it worked fine. He even included an option for you to set everything back to default. He also fixed a bug when you select UMD or XMB, it would automatically load the first option. Now you can actually use the 2.0 game loader and overclocking options. Here are some details of this release: This version of Flashmod has an update that allows you to install your custom fonts directly to flash0:/font. To use this, please follow the instructions: 1. Create a folder named fontmod in your ms0:/ (psp's main directory). 2. Add your .pgf font files. Make sure you have all 20, file names are listed below: gb3s1518.bwfon jpn0.pgf kr0.pgf ltn0.pgf ltn1.pgf ltn2.pgf ltn3.pgf ltn4.pgf ltn5.pgf ltn6.pgf ltn7.pgf ltn8.pgf ltn9.pgf ltn10.pgf ltn11.pgf ltn12.pgf ltn13.pgf ltn14.pgf ltn15.pgf shadow.pgf 3.Make sure you have not changed your system.dreg(If you don't know what this is, then don't worry about it.) file. If you have change the font location back to flash0:/font. 4. Run flashmod and choose install custom fonts from the XMB menu. 5. Enjoy your new fonts! Also fixed: When choosing UMD or XMB menu, does not automatically select the first choice.
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Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

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