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PspDraw and PspNotepad

Download Name: PspDraw and PspNotepad  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

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File Size: 11.46 KB

File Type: (Zip file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 1

Views: 98

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

While some brewers concentrate on making productivity killers for the PSP, others concentrate on producing productivity tools for the PSP ("We put the "P" in PSP"). One such guy, who chooses to go by the name of Impatient - though at times, he goes by "Not logged in (Unregistered)" (hmm...), submitted these two Lua programs to us, PspDraw and PspNotepad. "Kinda nifty," one of the writers here said while hogging the PSP ("Give it back, (garbled dialogue)!!!"). Pretty basic tools, really. PspDraw ain't exactly MSPaint, but it does combine some very familiar tools: pen, line, solid rectangle, eraser, and color picker. You could even save images onto the Memory Stick. You can't resize the brush, so it can be a bit tedious to work with. On the plus side, this program incorporates a built-in Zoom window for a closer look at your doodles, at the pixel level. PspNotepad uses the grid-matrix text input system using the analog stick and the face buttons; the D-pad is used to move the cursor around. Pretty basic tools; lots of room for improvement - if the text-input was more intuitive or at least faster, this would actually make the PSP a very useful note-jotting tool - and thus put the P (for productivity) in the PSP. (You will note, if you look very carefully at the screenshot for the PspNotepad, that this writer has his own opinion on how to improve the program jotted in).
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Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

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