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JoySens v1.11

Download Name: JoySens v1.11  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

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File Size: 20.17 KB

File Type: (Zip file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 1

Views: 123

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

Raphael just informed us that he's released a new version of his JoySens plugin, now known as JoySens v1.11. For those who haven't heard of JoySens, it's a CFW plugin that allows users to alter the sensitivity settings on their PSP's analog stick. The changes for JoySens v1.11 are numerous, but mostly deal with additions and fixes, as you can see in the changelog below: * Added better calibration method (keeps the axis scale in range) * Fixed automatic calibration function (gives pretty reliable results now) and moved vertical and horizontal calibration into one function * Added a movement smooth factor (how much changes in the axes get scaled, the lower the smoother any movement gets recognized) * Added an adjust parameter which controls the exponent of the adjustment function (default 3.0 meaning a cubic form) * Added button mapping configuration * Fixed a small error in the axis mapping, where values were mapped in range -127 to 128 where it should be -128 to 127 * Added setting save functionality * Improved the readme with better instructions One thing you should note about the current iteration of JoySens is that it now works on Dark_AleX's 3.40 OE and Team M33's custom firmwares. Just make sure you check the readme before trying this out, alright? You wouldn't want to end up with a perpetually wonky analog stick, we're certain.
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